Sunday, March 18, 2012

27th BCS Preliminary Question

91.  which of the flowing sentences is the correct one?
      Paper is made of wood
      Paper is made by wood
      Paper is made from wood
      Paper is made on wood
92.  The word 'bounty' is closest in meaning to
      Dividing line
93.  Give the correct Passive form of-My teacher embodies all the good qualities.
      All the good qualities are embodied on my teacher
      All the good qualities are embodied by my teacher
      All the good qualities are embodied in my teacher
      All the good qualities are embodied to my teacher
94.  choose the correct indirect speech- She asked me “Are you happy in your new job?”
      She asked me if I was happy in my new job
      She asked me if I have been happy in my new job
      She asked me whether I am happy in my new job
      She asked me if I had been happy in my new job
95.  The meaning of the word `obese`is-
      Very fat
96.  A person who writes about his own life writes-
      A diary
      A biography
      An autobiography
      A chronicle
97.  which of the flowing sentences is correct?
      Why have you done this?
      Why you had done this?
      Why you have done this?
      Why did you done this?
98.  what will be correct preposition to complete the sentences?“I am not good.........translation.”
99.  which is the noun of the word `beautiful`?
100.  fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition: We have to go...... five minutes.

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