Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Semiconductor Symbols and Abbreviations

Semiconductor Symbols and Abbreviations
AAmpere (AC rms or DC)hieCommon emitter small-signal short-circuit input impedance (base input)
aAmpere (peak)hobCommon base small-signal open-circuit output admittance (emitter input)
BBase electrodehocCommon collector small-signal open-circuit output admittance (base input)
BVBreakdown voltagehoeCommon emitter small-signal open-circuit output admittance (base input)
BVCOBBreakdown voltage, collector-to-base junction reverse biased (emitter open)hrbCommon base small signal open-circuit reverse transfer voltage ratio (emitter input)
BVCEOBreakdown voltage, collector-to-emitter junction reverse biased (base open)hrcCommon collector small signal open-circuit reverse transfer voltage ratio (base input)
BVCERBreakdown voltage, collector-to-emitter junction reverse biased (specified resistance)hreCommon emitter small signal open-circuit reverse transfer voltage ratio (base input)
BVCESBreakdown voltage, collector-to-emitter junction reverse biased (base shorted)isurgeSurge current
BVCEXBreakdown voltage, collector-to-emitter junction reverse biased (base-emitter back biased)IBAverage base current (DC)
CCapacitance; collector electrodeIbInstantaneous base current (AC rms)
CeInternal collector junction capacitance.ibBase current (peak)
C(dep)Depletion layer capacitancemWMilliwatt (Max., Average, or rms)
C(dif)Diffusion capacitancemwMilliwatt (peak)
CibInput Capacitance, common baseNFNoise figure
ICCollector current (DC)nsecNanosecond (Millimicrosecond)
IcCollector current (AC rms)PPower dissipation of all terminals (average total)
icCollector current (peak)pPower dissipation of all terminals (peak)
ICBO, ICOCollector cutoff current (emitter open)PbPower dissipation of base (average)
ICEOCollector cutoff current (base open)pbPower dissipation of base (peak)
ICERCollector cutoff current (specified resistance base-emitter)PcPower dissipation of collector (average)
ICERVCollector cutoff current (reverse voltage on base)pcPower dissipation of collector (peak)
IEAverage emitter current (DC)PdPower dissipation of device (average)
IeInstantaneous emitter current (AC rms)PePower dissipation of emitter (average)
ieInstantaneous emitter current (peak)pePower dissipation of emitter (peak)
IEBOEmitter cutoff current (collector open)PIVPeak inverse voltage
IFForward current (DC)QTransistor
iFForward current (DC)rb', rBB'Internal base spreading resistance
iFrForward recovery current (specified instantaneous value)RBExternal base resistance
IOOutput current (DC)RCExternal collector resistance
IRReverse current (DC)REExternal emitter resistance
iRReverse current (peak)RsatSaturation resistance
iRrReverse recovery current (specified instantaneous value)RLResistance, load
IZAverage Zener currentTTemperature
IZKZener knee currenttTime
IZMZener maximum currentTATemperature, ambient
IZTZener test currentTCTemperature, case
iZInstantaneous Zener current (AC rms)TCBVTemperature coefficient of breakdown voltage
KKilohmtdPulse delay time
LCConversion losstfPulse fall time
mAMilliampere (average)tfrForward recovery time
maMilliampere (peak)TjJunction temperature
mAa-cMilliampere (AC rms)tPPulse time
mAd-cMilliampere (DC)trPulse rise time
µAMicroampere (average)tsPulse storage time
µaMicroampere (peak)VVolt (DC)
CLLoad capacitancevVolt (peak)
CobOutput capacitance, common baseVa-cVolt (AC)
CoeOutput capacitance, common emitterVBBBase voltage (DC) supply
EEmitter electrodeVBEEmitter voltage (DC) (base to emitter)
fabCommon base small-signal short-circuit forward current transfer-ratio cutoff frequency (emitter input)VCCCollector voltage (DC) supply
faeCommon emitter small-signal short-circuit forward current transfer-ratio cutoff frequencyVCEsatCollector to emitter saturation voltage
frefReference frequencyVECEmitter voltage (DC) (emitter to collector)
foscMaximum frequency of oscillationVEEEmitter voltage (DC) supply
fpgPower gain cutoff frequencyVfeFloating potential
GbPower gain (common base)VFForward voltage drop
GcPower gain (common collector)VOOutput voltage (DC)
GePower gain (common emitter)vOOutput voltage (DC)
gM, gFEStatic or DC transconductanceVPTVoltage, punch-through
gmSmall-signal transconductanceVRReverse voltage (DC)
GM, GFELarge-signal transconductanceVrReverse voltage (peak)
hfbCommon base small signal short-circuit forward current transfer-ratioVZZener voltage
hfeCommon emitter small-signal short-circuit forward current transfer-ratio (base input)WWatts (Max., Average, or rms)
hFECommon emitter DC short-circuit forward current transfer-ratio current gain (IC / IB)wWatts (peak)
HFECommon emitter large-signal short-circuit forward current transfer-ratioZzZener impedance
hibCommon base small-signal short-circuit input impedance (emitter input)ZzkZener impedance, knee
  ZztZener impedance, test

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